
01 January 2014

Restarting This Blog

Well, another year has come and gone. It's finally 2014. By May, I will have been out of college for 10 years. August will be our son's fourth birthday. October will mark my seventh year of working for my employer. In November my wife and I will have been married for six years.

Time is so fleeting and fast.

So, with that in mind, I wanted to take a few paragraphs to explain what you see on this blog: LeviSamJuno Reads.

I started this particular blog to separate all of my reading-related posts from my everyday stuff (the latter of which are located on my original blog that also has not been updated for many months). I wanted to have a place where I could sign up for and track reading challenges and book reviews in an uncluttered fashion.

Unfortunately with all the many things going on (the bulk of which is marriage and parenthood), I never really followed through with a lot of that. So I have decided to revamp the whole blog atmosphere. I was never really satisfied with the formats I had for my reviews, and some weird things happened with the formatting when I tried to copy them over here. Part of the revamp involves fixing those formatting errors.

As a result, you can probably see that things are bare here. That's not to indicate there was nothing ever here; it's just that I'm trying to make them better. In the coming weeks some of the book reviews I had will begin popping back up in all their newly reformatted splendor, at which time this particular post will be a bit confusing, I guess.

With this new attempt, here's to the hope of a bigger list of books I have read, challenges I have completed, reviews I have written, and fun stuff accomplished.

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