
03 January 2017

Bible in a Year 2017

Bible in a Year 2017

2017 brings a new start and another attempt at reading the Bible all the way through. I'm going to keep trying until it happens, and then I'll do it all over again.

This year I'll be using the devotional and reading plan "Bible in One Year 2017" by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel from This is a different plan than I'm used to as it has a devotional portion in concert with each scripture reading. In addition, it covers (as far as I've seen so far) a Psalm/Proverb, a chapter or so from the Old Testament, and a chapter or so from the New Testament.

I downloaded the Android version of the YouVersion Bible app to have around me constantly so I can utilize any extra time to get the reading in. However, I'm going to try diligently to take special time early in the day to do it so I can re-prioritize my life with more focus on my relationship with God.

At the top of my sidebar on top of the rest of my reading challenges this year is my tracker for the BiaY.  I am tracking my progress by number of chapters read (out of a total of 1189 chapters in the King James Version).

Feel free to join in with me, too.  I need the extra accountability and support.

My Progress

17 / 1189 chapters. 1.43% done!

See my detailed progress after the jump.